Sunday, October 21, 2007

Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,

Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,Learn Uncommon words from dictionary,thesaurus,
One of my students has been preparing a list of uncommon words from dictionary& thesauruses ,difficult words.. He has asked me to let every person learn these words . I am going to list two words every day. I want all the readers to popularize these words by forwarding these words to your friends on a regular basis.It will help to Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,
There are English teaching schools in almost every country. Media, paperback books coaching classes,are making English Language more popular and easy to learn today.
Reading ,writing, listening and speaking are learned by practically doing and not by studying only.
It is a skill which is learnt by doing. English language combines so many components Reading, literature, compositions, speaking, grammar,semantics,listening,film,video, dvd and many more.
The language learning can be divided into,Teaching grammar,teaching composition,Language study,Multimedia English.
One of my students has been preparing a list of uncommon words from dictionary& thesauruses ,difficult words.. He has asked me to let every person learn these words . I am going to list two words every day. I want all the readers to popularize these words by forwarding these words to your friends on a regular basis.It will help to Improve vocabulary,Improve knowledge,

29] RECRIMINATION (ri’krimu’neyshun) Noun - An accusation made in answer to an accusation
The peace talks came to an abrupt halt, and ended up being a series of accusations and recriminations.

30] HARANGUE (hu’rang) Noun & Verb - Speech made to a gathering / assembly; usually a loud, vehement address

The opposition leader gave his usual harangue in the parliament after the finance minister had completed his budget speech, criticizing almost every policy measure announced in the budget.

31. CRUSTY (krustee) Adjective - Having a harsh, rough exterior or a curt, rough manner
The journalist was rather disappointed at the crusty attitude of the socialite; he had expected to get an exciting interview with her but she answered all his questions in monosyllables.

32. VIRTUE (vurchoo) Noun - Goodness, Moral excellence, Good quality
Because of his good character, kind heart and generous nature, people often call him man of the highest virtue

33. GET OVER IT - recover from
I was very sick yesterday, but I got over it quickly.

34. NEURALGIA (n(y)u'ralju) Noun - Sharp pain in the nerves
He's been suffering from a neuralgic pain for the last three months
because of which he cannot turn his neck to the left.
35. FROM RAGS TO RICHES - from poor to wealthy
My uncle is a real rags to riches story.

36. MELLIFLUOUS (mi'lifluus) Adjective - (Of words, music or voice)
sweetly or smoothly flowing
She charmed everyone present at the gathering with her sweet and
mellifluous voice.
Synonym - Melodious

37. FLASH IN THE PAN - a sudden success that disappears quickly
What a great first year he had, but after that... nothing!" Answer:
"Just another flash in the pan".

38. LEGERDEMAIN (lejurdu'meyn) Noun - Skill in using the hands to perform
conjuring tricks etc (Sleight-of-hand, Juggling, Trickery)
The opposition has accused the Finance Minister of indulging in
financial legerdemain, stating that the budget is nothing but a clever
jugglery of figures to make them sound good.
39. FIXED IN YOUR WAYS - not wanting to change how you do things
Sometimes it is hard to accept that your parents are fixed in their

40. INDICT (in'dit) Verb - Make a formal accusation against, to charge
with a wrong, offense or short coming
Three people have been indicted by the judge for manufacturing and
selling spurious medicines.

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